Selected Writing:
Czaplinska-Archer, R (2015) Slowly, slowly - architect’s encounters with Amerta Movement. PRAPTO papers
Czaplinska-Archer, R (2013) Time for Drawing - Time for awakening sensory awareness, Porto School of Architecture, Drawing at University today conference papers, Portugal
Czaplinska-Archer, R (2011) Designing Houses as if bodies/human life mattered, key note address at Healthy Houses Conference Bratislava 2011
Czaplinska-Archer, R Embodying vision, conference paper and poster, Body/Embodiment Symposium, Uppsala University, Sweden 2011
Czaplinska-Archer, R. (2008) Time for drawing Sydney University Faculty of Architecture Exhibition notes (in preparation for publication)
Czaplinska-Archer, R. Learning from Griffin, CONSTRUCTIVE TIMES (6/1996)
Czaplinska-Archer, R. (1992) From architecture towards making places with people, Social Ecology Centre Hawkesbury, University of Western Sydney.
Czaplinska-Archer, R. (4/1992) Making Places with People, ARTWORK MAGAZINE SA Community Arts network Issue.
Archer, R. (12/1991) On collaborative design process and empowering clients, ARTLINK
Czaplinska-Archer, R & Dunlop, K.(1991) Jindabyne Community Centre Design Brief Report, Australia Council, Sydney.
Archer, R. Identity in Architecture CONSTRUCTIVE TIMES (7/1991)
Archer, R. About architecture in schools, CONSTRUCTIVE TIMES (11/1990)
Archer, R. Playing with my professional hat (incorporating notes on "What is architecture" an experiential course for primary school kids), CONSTRUCTIVE TIMES (1989)
Archer, R. Profiles: Interview with Wendy Sarkissian, CONSTRUCTIVE TIMES (4/1988)
Archer, R. Profiles: Conversation with Barbara van den Broek, CONSTRUCTIVE TIMES (12/1988)
Archer, R. Sensory awareness in creating environments, CONSTRUCTIVE TIMES (1987)
Czaplinska-Archer, T. (10/1981) Polish Architecture: The contribution of Helena and Szymon Syrkus, Architectural Association Quarterly, London, UK
Czaplinska-Archer,T. (1981) Contemporary Architects (contributor) Macmillan Press, London, New York
Czaplinska, T. (1978), James Stirling - theory and practice, PhD Thesis. Wroclaw, University of Technology.
Czaplinska, T. (6/1976), Wroclaw and the Modern Movement AA Grad. School papers.