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Time for Drawing: Riversdale 2016 – Exploring Touch Through Drawing

4-day Residential Drawing and Movement Studio

with Rena Czaplinska-Archer

To celebrate and honour Juhani Pallasmaa, the author of The Eyes of the Skin and his current 2016 Droga Residency, this 8th annual Riversdale Time for Drawing studio will focus on the sense of touch in reference to his Australian lecture series, Touching the World Through Architecture.


The hands want to see, the eyes want to caress.
— Goethe

Time for Drawing offers an opportunity to explore how learning to draw can enhance our life and wellbeing by awakening the senses and developing body centred perception, cognition and creative intuition through the Embodying Vision process. Freehand drawing involves the body. Through the drawing hand, it connects with our body intelligence, with our feelings and intuition. It helps to release tension and tune our perceptions. It develops our ability to see, feel and listen.
During our four days together we will use simple somatic practices to awaken senses and tune the body to develop what philosopher Merleau-Ponty calls embodied perception. We will explore how this changes the way we see and becomes visible in our drawings – while living, moving and resting in the world-renowned architectural masterpiece of Glenn Murcutt and its magnificent river valley setting.

We will practice the art of touching the world through drawing. Touch is “the mother of the senses”, and the foundation of experiencing architecture. Skin is the oldest and most sensitive of our organs, our first medium of communication and all our senses are extensions of the sense of touch. Sun, shadows, sounds, wind touching landscape touching buildings touching us. Drawing as touching, rubbing, scratching, marking, walking, mapping, with time for pausing, group reflection, silence and deep rest. Come and see what is possible when we stop believing in limitations and enter drawing as a playful field of possibility and revelation. Become an explorer.

When: Friday 22 April, 6 pm – Monday 25 April, 2 pm

Where: Arthur and Yvonne Boyd Education Centre Riversdale Bundanon

Cost: full fee $890 | $820 for students and ex-students and early bird by 7 March

Cost includes: 3 nights accommodation in the world-class twin rooms linen-towels provided, single rooms available on request ($50 extra), delicious organic meals including gluten and dairy free for those with special needs

Teachers: Rena Czaplinska-Archer PhD and Victoria Hunt

Inquiries: call 0409 967 411 or email

To book, deposit $200

This workshop will attract 5 formal CPD points for architects

Both beginners and experienced drawers are welcome.

Rena Czaplinska-Archer is an architect, visual and somatic artist and educator, former Sydney University lecturer, student of Anna Halprin and a founder of Time for Drawing workshops and Embodying Vision program. Rena cherishes the body as a central medium for creativity and learning. Her process helps the participants to shift from their habitual ways of moving, seeing and thinking and releases their natural impulse to draw.

Victoria Hunt is an independent dancer, choreographer, performer and founding member of the BODYWEATHER dance company De Quincy Co. and has performed in over 40 works with the company since 1999. She works teaches and performs locally and internationally.
Websites: and

Photographs from the studio


Produced artworks